
Thank You for Visiting!

If you made this far, you might have what some of our buyers are looking for. Below is a home valuation tool that might give you insight into a general value of your current home. Of course, the most accurate way of determining listing and market value is going to be an in person visit, so don't hesitate to reach out to set up an in person home value estimate with Norwalk's top real estate team! 

If you have a home to sell, we might have a buyer for you. Here are a handful of our current buyers and what they are looking for:

  • Alyssa and Chris - Looking for a single family home in Norwalk or Wilton up to $825,000 in solid condition on a side street or cul de sac with 3+ bedrooms and 2+ bathrooms with some usable land.
  • Nikki and Kenny - Looking for a single family home in Fairfield County up to the Milford area. They are looking up to $700,000 with 2+ bedrooms and 2+ bathrooms in good condition. Garage is preferred and so is central air.
  • Caitlin and Glenn - Looking for a single family home in Norwalk up to $650,000 with 3+ bedrooms and 2+ bathrooms in any condition. Having .25 acres or more is a must-have.
  • Marion - Looking for a condo or single family home up to $500,000 in the Norwalk area. Any home or complex must be dog-friendly! She is ideally looking for a townhouse with 2+ beds & a garage in good condition.

If you or anyone you know are considering selling and have a home that fits any of these needs, please contact me at 203-216-0113 or at [email protected]

Even if your home doesn't fit any of these buyer's needs and you're considering making a move, we might still have just the buyer for your home! Reach out either way and if nothing else, you'll end up with more information than you had before.

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Chris Balestriere

Chris Balestriere

Sales Associate

Get to Know Me

Most of Chris' volunteering comes in the form of theater. When he is working on a show, he donates the equivalent of a part-time job to the theater he is performing with. This is his way of giving back to the community and to the local art that Fairfield County has to offer.
When Chris is not doing real estate-related activities, he enjoys delving into the local musical theater scene as a performer; something that has been a passion of his since he was in grade school. You can usually catch Chris in a show at Curtain Call in Stamford among other local community theaters. In addition, Chris stays in shape by playing sports and working out. He enjoys reading, cooking, traveling, and spending time with close friends and family.
Chris loves what he does and his work showcases that. Along with helping buyers and sellers make some of the biggest decisions they will make in their lives as a Realtors® over the past year, Chris owns an investing business with his brother and partner, Joe. Together, they buy and rent multi-family homes for their portfolio. They also work a lot with multi-family sellers to market their properties and sell them at the best possible price. Chris helps properly manage all their investments and has gained nearly 2 years of experience doing such. He is well-versed in dealing with tenant issues, accounting, finances, property maintenance, and renting units.

Professional Association

  • The Greater Bridgeport Board of Realtors®


  • BA from Hofstra University
  • Norwalk High School Graduate

Professional Specialty

  • First-time buyers
  • Technology
  • Multi-Families and Investing